Montana Trip 08/16/24: Going Home :)
Hi! My name is Gabriela Rojas! I'm currently a 4th year Biology major at the University of La Verne! This was the day we returned back to California, we had a super long car ride. I think we used this day to have one last time blasting music through the walkie talkies, talking, and playing car games. During one part of the car ride, I was reflecting on all of my favorite memories from the trip. To name a few, I really loved being able to see all of the milky way with people I care about. I think it was such a great moment to share with everyone and just appreciate the stars. My inner child was fangirling from being able to see so many stars because in California it’s really hard to appreciate because of the abundance of city lights. It was so fulfilling to be able to have this moment. Another thing I enjoyed was how close I got with everyone and had the opportunity to see the amazing traits that everyone had. I admired and enjoyed how everyone had a different sense of humor that went well together. It just made the trip so fun. I’m so thankful for being able to get to know everyone at a deeper level, freely frolic, and just creating the best memories ever. I wouldn’t change anything about this trip. It made me realize how thankful I am for everything and to enjoy every second of my life. Arriving at ULV, it was pretty emotional in the sense that the trip was over. We all gave each other hugs and took pictures in our Montana merch. It was such a cute moment! Overall, I think this trip gave me so much, like getting closer with people, sharing more memories with my friends, and being one with nature. I could confidently say that this was one of my best summers ever and I would definitely go again to Montana.
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