Montana, Sunday 08/11/24
Hello my name is Mathew Virgen. I am a fourth year biology major at the University of La Verne. This was our last day at Magpie ranch as we were leaving first thing the next morning. This meant today was the day to wrap up on all research station activities including the cure project between Mario, Gustavo and I. We were finished with all of the trail camera footage that we were assigned to analyze. Although the six cameras collected thousands of videos for us three to divide and go through, we were able to complete the work by the end of Saturday the 10th. The focus of this Sunday morning was to work on the actual organization of the slides to present later that evening. We were purposeful with the order of our slides as we were also implementing our chosen animal species onto the presentation. Since we saw all the animals we chose on the trail camera footage, we asked professor Pablo if we could combine these assignments. Gustavo was first as he introduced the black bear with f...